You're here because
SuperChange Catalysts Founding Member
invited you to consider becoming a
Charter Member. Congratulations!

Your first step on your path to decide whether
this opportunity is a right fit for you
is to take this quick 12-item quiz. 

Your score will indicate whether becoming a member
will be worthwhile for you to consider.
If so, you'll be able to click a button that
takes you to a private page where you'll
get all the details, 
including what to do next.

Click the button below the logo to start...

1 / 12

Now is the time in humanity’s evolution to finally celebrate that humanity is one and that our species is the steward of our planet.

1 / 12

Personal, societal, and global wellbeing are interdependent.

1 / 12

Some unhelpful systems and outdated ways of living are creating harmful societal dynamics that must be replaced if humanity is to emerge into a better future.

1 / 12

I feel called, and dedicated, to crystallizing & fullfilling my unique part to elevate our world into its next stage of spiritual, individual and societal evolution... even if I am not yet exactly sure how I will do that.

1 / 12

I am committed to having significant positive impact in my own unique ways without neglecting my wellbeing or cherished relationships,

1 / 12

I seek to facilitate changes at a root cause level rather than at the level of the symptom control that's being tried but isn't producing particularly positive results.

1 / 12

To live my calling I am devoted to walking my talk more fully than ever & to shining my light in far bigger ways than I've done until now

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I seek to live my life in a Spirit-First way
deepeing my connection with a
source of Love & Wisdom 
that is
far larger than 
my seemingly separated self.

1 / 12

I value being an Open Skeptic who knows what I believe while being receptive to exploring possibilities that might alter my belief system.

1 / 12

I view patriotism as layered,
with national patriotism nested inside patriotism
to our planet & humanity.
I also see freedom & responsibility as inseparable.

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I am ready to become a true role model &
to master facilitation skills that equip me to
more effectively catalyze the change
I want to see in the world

1 / 12

I flourish fastest when I have a
strategic sequenced roadmap to follow
from a mentor I trust, and have the support of a
diverse group of like-hearted & like-spirited people
who share the core values described in this quiz

Congrats on completing the quiz.
(You'll find it just above the video.)

If you scored 30 or higher, you're eligible!
Your next step is to look over the details of the SuperChange Catalysts Membership program.
To do that,
click the button at the bottom of this page!

If you scored 29 or lower,
becoming a SuperChange Catalysts Member
probably isn't a right fit for you...
at least not yet. 
However, there's another resource 
that might
support the next step in your evolution:
The Integrity Guide to Having It All --
How to Put Your Genius Where Your Dreams Are
Explore this online program for $1 trial --
copy this URL into your web browser: